The postgraduate degree program " Master of Disaster Management and Risk Governance " at the University of Bonn is now connecting at European level KaVoMa is now connecting at European level
A consortium of 7 European universities and higher education institutes has received funding to promote a network of postgraduate programs in the field of disaster risk and crisis management. The European Commission accepted the EUMA-Project proposal ("Creating an EUropean Higher Education Network for MAster’s Programmes in Disaster Risk Management") for a two-year grant. The project consortium consists of universities from Vienna/Austria, Bonn/Germany, Pisa/Italy, Alés/France, Tallinn/Estonia, Dublin/Ireland and Twente/Netherlands and is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Thomas Glade from the University of Vienna (UNIVIE). The start of the project is on 01.01.2024.
Prof. Dr. Lothar Schrott, head of the postgraduate master's program "Master of Disaster Management and Risk Governance" at the University of Bonn in cooperation with the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) is one of the key partners in this consortium.
The aim of the project is to strengthen the network of postgraduates and advance the professionalization of civil protection through a Europe-wide knowledge exchange with high-ranking international seminars, summer schools and scientific publications.
The target group is primarily students in postgraduate degree programs in the field of disaster risk management in governmental and private institutions or aid organizations. European cooperation aiming at mutual learning and knowledge exchange is of increasing importance in the field of disaster risk management at university level. The heat waves, devastating forest fires, and floods of recent weeks in Europe and other parts of the world forcefully remind us of the dramatic effects of climate change. They vividly demonstrate that disasters can reach a magnitude to which individual countries can no longer respond adequately and require international assistance. Mutual learning and transnational knowledge exchange is essential, as devastating forest fires and other extreme weather situations are advancing in more northern latitudes as well.